Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Performance Enhancement Survey - Lightroom

The folks at Adobe are listening!

Some folks, no matter how beefed up there systems are have consistent performance issues with Lightroom.  Although this effects only a small percentage of users, the Lightroom folks are listening.
Tom Hogarty, Adobes Photo Project Manager writes:

"I would like to address concerns recently voiced by our community of customers around Lightroom performance, as improving performance is our current top priority. We have a history, starting with our first public beta, of working with our customers to address workflow and feature needs, and we’d like to take that same approach regarding your performance concerns. We already understand many of the current pain points around GPU, import performance, certain editing tasks and review workflows and are investing heavily in improving those areas."

Link to survey:


If you have consistant ongoing performance issues, please take the time to complete this survey as fully as possible with as much detail.

You imput is vital and helpful and greatly appreciated